Wednesday, July 17, 2013

What they don't tell you about fenugreek!

  If you go on any baby forum you will hear about fenugreek and how it smells like maple syrup and how it will help your milk supply...

 So I gave it a try and I ended up with a lot of acne, bloating and a upset stomach. I don't know if this is a pro or con but my armpits smell like maple syrup! To me none of which sounded normal so I did some research and bam I find out I'm taking a herb that is known to do much more then help with your milk, it's known to help control insulin levels in diabetics. I even read it can help with cellulite. Sounds great right? Until I look at my face. Then I read that some of the side effects are constipation, upset tummy, it can actually cause stomach inflammation and loss of appetite.

 Now to the most disturbing part. If you are pregnant it can cause contractions and other side effects unknown besides your baby being born smelling like maple syrup its called the "Maple Syrup Disease'. I wish I was making this up...

FYI fenugreek can be found in medicine and fake maple syrups so be careful what you put in your body.  This should be a reminder that not all natural things are good for you or safe.

Information from

                I was 26 weeks pregnant here with Julianna, it's a reminder that babies are inside of you and you need to protect them as you would if they were on the outside.

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