Saturday, September 1, 2012

5 weeks pregnany update :)

So I believe yesterday I actually became 5 weeks pregnant so from now on I'll try to have my pregnancy update then or on Saturday.

How far along? 5 weeks

Total weight gain/measurements? No idea, I'm quite bloated though.

Maternity clothes? Nope. I will need new bras though, under the boobage area is already expanding my guess is my organs are already moving up to make room for the baby :)

Stretch marks? Only from my growth spurt as a child and from my last pregnancy.

Sleep? Good, I've been going to sleep around 1 and waking up at 10. I would go to sleep much earlier but my son is a night owl ;)

Best moment this week? Telling my sister, mom and dad. They're so happy my dads reaction was the best his eyes lit up in excitement and he gave me a hug saying congratulations. My parents only have one son and my dad grew up with 2 brothers so he would of like to have another son because he knows how special the brotherly bond is so he would love if I had another boy, however we would love a little granddaughter too. My mom and sister really want the baby to be a girl! lol

 Miss anything? Nope lol I'm always hungry so that's a tad bit annoying. I feel like all I do is eat like a hungry hippo lol

Movement? Nope to early :)

Food cravings? I did have a craving for a cupcake but that went away quickly. Right now I'm not craving anything however my partner is making us hash browns :)

Anything making you queasy or sick? Chicken! The smell of chicken breast 4 days ago was unbearable which is weird because I love chicken... 

Gender? No idea :) My mom and I think it's a boy so does my partner even though he would like a girl, and my brother thinks its a girl.

Labour signs? Nope...

Symptoms? Tired, super hungry, sex is better as it was with my last pregnancy. In my last pregnancy I only lost my sex drive for a couple weeks in my third trimester and then it went back up lol And oh I'm quite bloated and I've had lots of discharge. Yes some of these things are tmi but this is a pregnancy blog and these are pregnancy symptoms... 

Belly button in or out? In! Was in with my last pregnancy, my baby bump was quite small.

Happy or moody most of the time? Happy and moody as usual lol

Looking forward to? When I can finally tell everyone I'm pregnant! :)

I used the questions from Anna Saccones pregnancy update post.

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