Wednesday, September 26, 2012

9 Weeks Pregnancy Update

So I think on Wednesdays I'm actually 9 weeks... won't know until my 15th/16th week ultrasound.

How far along? 9 weeks I believe.

Total weight gain/measurements? Not sure but my belly is getting bigger!

 Maternity clothes? Just been wearing yoga pants and stretchy pants, its getting too cold to wear dresses or skirts.

 Stretch marks? No new stretch marks to report! Even when I do get new ones I doubt I'll notice until after the baby. I noticed my old stretch marks after I had my son.

 Sleep? It's been good, I usually fall asleep at 12 and sleep until around 11, sometimes I have to get up around 8 to pee which is quite normal at this stage of my pregnancy.

 Best moment this week? Hmmm I honestly don't know lol It would probably be satisfying my Mc Donald's fries craving. Besides that I've been eating an drinking very healthy.

 Miss anything? Feeling less emotional and not nauseous.

 Movement? Nope to early :)

 Food cravings? Mc Donald's fries, chocolate and thats about it. I had some pizza pockets and they were delicious...

 Anything making you queasy or sick? Well I randomly threw up late night which was weird, my friend who is pregnant with her 2nd daughter said its normal when your having a girl but I don't know if I am. This garlic butter chicken I use to love has been making me feel sick when I smell it  :/ Pasta also doesn't sit too well with my tummy.

 Gender? Still don't know.

 Labour signs? Nope...

Nauseous (including vomiting)
very chapped lips
Nesting urge
Very Emotional

 Belly button in or out? In! Was in with my last pregnancy, my baby bump was quite small.

 Happy or moody most of the time? Less moody this week, more emotional...

 Looking forward to? Signing the contract for our new place this weekend

I used the questions from Anna Saccones pregnancy update post.

                                                            9 Weeks :D

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