Friday, September 21, 2012

8 Weeks Pregnant

How far along? 8 weeks I believe.

Total weight gain/measurements? Still no idea! lol Scales scare me so I'm avoiding using one until I'm 15 weeks. I weighed 135lb prepregnancy which is 15lbs bigger before I had my son.

 Maternity clothes? I did pick up 3 larger tops, nothing maternity yet, and to fit into my bras comfortably the past couple weeks I've been using a bra extender.

 Stretch marks? No new stretch marks to report! Even when I do get new ones I doubt I'll notice until after the baby. I noticed my old stretch marks after I had my son.

 Sleep? It was great until a couple nights ago I had a night terror, I woke up and thought there was a big black spider coming down and about to fall on me. It was so real my heart was racing so fast and I pushed my back up to my boyfriend, after 30 seconds I realized nothing was there and it was a night terror. I started having night terrors about spiders after I had my son. They went away after a couple months until now. I told my mom and she said its common, when she was pregnant she said she would wake up thinking there was bugs all over her :s Scary huh?

 Best moment this week? I would have to say just spending time with my son, I love him so much and I'm really enjoying one on one time with him before his little sister or brother arrives.

 Miss anything? Not being so emotional lol & being able to eat spicy/sour things without getting heartburn.

 Movement? Nope to early :)

 Food cravings? A turkey sandwich, KFC, pecan pie and chicken wings, all of which I had lol I do try to eat healthy but I don't mind giving into "bad" cravings now and then. After all they say what you crave can be what your baby needs. I haven't been eating as much protein so thats probably why I was craving some of those items.

 Anything making you queasy or sick? I usually feel nauseous 24/7 but being in a car makes it worse and getting up too sudden does as well.

 Gender? Still don't know.

 Labour signs? Nope...

Stomach cramping
Random headaches

 Belly button in or out? In! Was in with my last pregnancy, my baby bump was quite small.

 Happy or moody most of the time? Less moody this week, more emotional...

 Looking forward to? Moving and Nesting :)

I used the questions from Anna Saccones pregnancy update post.

                                             8 Weeks! I already feel so big lol...

  This is from my 1st pregnancy, I was 20 or 21 weeks pregnant, I started showing at 17 weeks.

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