Thursday, August 30, 2012

Always tired and my familys reaction!

  So this week I should be going on my 5th week of pregnancy and I'm sooooo tired its crazy! I've been craving sweets and just feeling blah. I went for a nice walk yesterday with my mom, sister and of course my little baby boy and that was really nice however I was so exhausted after.

  The past few days I've started pregnancy work outs and thats been going good, I feel like I'm getting in a good work out but I don't feel like I'm going to hard on myself. I will say most of the time I don't even feel "pregnant" like I usually don't feel sick, or have stomach pains like my body is handling this pregnancy a lot better then my last pregnancy (yay).

 Wow I almost forgot to say I announced my pregnancy to my mom, dad and sister yesterday! lol So I told my brother the day before because he was over and he was so excited, a few weeks ago I went over to my parents and he was like Jess I had a dream your going to have a baby girl. Of course we don't know if the baby is a girl because its too early but wouldn't that be amazing if he guessed right? ;) Aha Anyways when I told my mom at first she seemed worried because I do have a 16 month old so she knows it will be difficult after all my brother and I are 18 months apart so she really does know what I will be going through. Once she saw I was happy and confident she got really happy I know shes still worried because I live 25mins away from her and the Hospital so we are trying to look for a place now but we most likely won't be moving closer until next spring after the baby arrives.

   My mom would love a granddaughter but we both think I will have another boy. My dads reaction was polar opposite lol His eyes lit up and he was so excited and gave me a hug saying congratulations. His opinion meant the world to me so to have him happy for me and happy to be a grandma again is just the icing on the cake. Lastly my little sister was kind of like what? (I put my son is a undershirt that I designed and it said "I'm going to be a big brother" to surprise my parents and my sister) so at first she didn't understand so I was like "I'm having another baby!" And that made her super happy. Shes only 8 as there is a big age difference between us lol

  Well thats about everything exciting I have to talk about... My partner and I have picked out a full girls name. We haven't thought of a boys one yet. I don't know when I will be sharing it I guess when the timing feels right ;)

 Hope everyone is doing well and if your pregnant too then congratz! <3

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