Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Tired of being FAT!

I'm a mother of 2 under 3 and I'm ready to take my weight loss journey seriously. I use to eat so healthy and have a great body however I started dating my boyfriend and he had and still has very unhealthy eating habits so I did gain a few pounds but nothing major. At 5'6 I weighed 120lbs. After almost a year together we were happy to announce we were expecting a baby boy and I packed on almost 60lbs! I didn't eat a lot of fast food but I ate A LOT. I was always hungry. After I had my son my appetite was gone and I wasn't hungry. My weight dropped down to 128lbs in months however when I went on 2 hormone bc I gained some weight. Until I got pregnant with my daughter my weight was around 135lbs. In my pregnancy with my daughter my weight went up 30lbs. Now I'm around 145lbs and I'm sick of it!

The fat droops on my body and most of my clothes don't fit. In surrounded by unhealthy eating habits and its driving me crazy. I love my boyfriend but I feel he wants me to stay chunky so he doesn't feel as bad about hisself.

The only way change is going to be made is if I make it happen. My goal is to get back into my old skinny jeans from last year by September. With a little over 3 month I know I can make it happen I just got to remember how nice it is to not sit down with rolls, to walk without getting tired so fast and how good I look and feel when Im healthy. Some people are healthy at 145lbs but I'm not.

So if you're struggling with weight or just your eating habits then I challenge you to make a change!

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