Saturday, June 29, 2013
Random Update!
I've been busy, shopping to be honest lol Anyways I thought I should do an update on life :)
First about my daughter
-She is super uber chunky
-Still drinking 120 and 3 and a half months old!
- I stopped breastfeeding 3 weeks ago because quite frankly she sucked at it... Well wrong word I guess lol She gets half breast milk and formula and she loves it and doesn't notice a difference!
- FYI she takes Emfamil A+
- Baths seem to be something she enjoys
-She laughed for the first time last week I believe and she has the most precious smile
- She does seem to get irritated and drools randomly so I believe her teething stage is starting
-Unfortunately I believe she is also starting to make strange
- She wears 0-3 months clothes as well as 4-6 and even some 6-9 month old clothes
-Small shoes still do not fit
MY lovely son
(I don't do updates on him because hes already 2 but now and then I do)
- He has a speech problem like I did yet hes starting to talk more
New words & word combinations....
bye dada
woo hoo
He stopped drinking milk before Christmas I believe however we got him drinking chocolate milk last month
-Hes starting to become more interactive with other kids
-He still hates all animals, hes a chicken... Once again this makes a ironic pun lmao
My update
-Weight loss has been challenging but I just keep on trying and if I have a off day I just keep trying the next day
-Tonight was my last time taking the mini pill tomorrow I start tri-cylin low sorry for the typo
-My acne is better but still bad :(
-My mood has been all over the place so I'm hoping the hormones in my body start adjusting
Well thats about it :D
Recently I rocked red eyebrows and I liked it
Just because you're a mom doesn't mean you have to stop having fun!
Friday, June 21, 2013
How to exercise with a baby/toddler?
I'm glad to say I've been eating fairly good, I haven't been able to exercise that much due to being very busy with the babies. Julianna is always up and if she takes a nap I try to clean. When Devon gets home we like to spend time together I pump, shower and once he goes to bed I try to exercise if Julianna is asleep, my son plays on his own well so he makes my life easier but I still find it hard to fit in the time to get back in shape.
I'm sure other moms face this problem so I have a few suggestions and yes I actually do these things.
1 Squats in the shower and other easy standing up exercises that don't take long.
2 100-300 crunches right before bed, you're already laying down so its easy to do and quick
3 If you have a toddler make doing exercises into a game, my son thinks its so funny
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Tired of being FAT! Part 2
So how will I loose the weight?
My goal is to exercise everyday for at least 5-10 minutes and slowly boost it up to 30 minutes. When I weighed 25lbs less I exercised for 45mins to an hour a day. I'm not expecting to be that skinny because quite frankly I don't have time. When my kids get older I will but for now I just wana be around 128lbs.
Of course you can't loose weight if you're eating bad. My goal is to not eat fast food and if I do it will be a sub or wrap once a week tops. I'm cutting out pop (not that I really drink it) and I'm going to start drinking more water. I'm also cutting out deep fried foods and if I crave a chocolate bar I'll have a skinny cow treat.
As you can see I'm not doing anything extreme however it will work because its worked for me before. I don't want to be super skinny or have hard rock abs I just want to look and feel healthier and feel like myself again. It's easy to loose who you are when you have kids and I'm ready to be my old self again.
I will be posting about my weight loss journey and food diaries however I don't know when I will weigh myself. I don't have a scale because I find them depressing. However in a month I will be trying on old clothes to see how they fit differently. Anyways I'm off for a nap :)
Tired of being FAT!
I'm a mother of 2 under 3 and I'm ready to take my weight loss journey seriously. I use to eat so healthy and have a great body however I started dating my boyfriend and he had and still has very unhealthy eating habits so I did gain a few pounds but nothing major. At 5'6 I weighed 120lbs. After almost a year together we were happy to announce we were expecting a baby boy and I packed on almost 60lbs! I didn't eat a lot of fast food but I ate A LOT. I was always hungry. After I had my son my appetite was gone and I wasn't hungry. My weight dropped down to 128lbs in months however when I went on 2 hormone bc I gained some weight. Until I got pregnant with my daughter my weight was around 135lbs. In my pregnancy with my daughter my weight went up 30lbs. Now I'm around 145lbs and I'm sick of it!
The fat droops on my body and most of my clothes don't fit. In surrounded by unhealthy eating habits and its driving me crazy. I love my boyfriend but I feel he wants me to stay chunky so he doesn't feel as bad about hisself.
The only way change is going to be made is if I make it happen. My goal is to get back into my old skinny jeans from last year by September. With a little over 3 month I know I can make it happen I just got to remember how nice it is to not sit down with rolls, to walk without getting tired so fast and how good I look and feel when Im healthy. Some people are healthy at 145lbs but I'm not.
So if you're struggling with weight or just your eating habits then I challenge you to make a change!
Monday, June 17, 2013
Whats New?
A lot of stuff has been going on in my personal life, good for the most part. I've been enjoying being a mom. I've been trying to keep my home looking nice and I'm interested in using more natural products specially since my daughter will be crawling in a few months.
When Julianna has belly time on her play mat she can squiggle around, she can't hold her head up yet but shes trying her very best and she sits up well in the bumbo however shes a tad bit wably so she doesn't stay in for long. She has been showing signs that shes wanting food. These signs including watching us eat and sticking out her tongue when she sees food. Atm some 0-3 month clothes are too big however most of them do fit her nicely. Size 1 baby shoes do not fit yet and she still drinks 120 and feeds frequently and wears size 1 diapers.
That's about all I have to update on :)
We're Loving Summer <3
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
NYX Roll On Shimmer
I will have up a youtube video for swatches in HD, it's in a video format so you can see the true shimmer these lovelies have to offer. I've read only good reviews so I'm excited to test them out the next time I wear makeup. <<<<Video! :) <<<<Video! :)
Monday, June 10, 2013
Tips for Mothers with babies that don't sleep!
First let me say go get yourself a handheld pump if you don't already have a pump. Some women are so anal and insist "I only breastfeed and by that I mean straight from the tap. I can't miss out on precious bonding time!" Lady are you going to have your child suck from your tits they're whole life? No? I hope not.... So get over yourself!
If you pump occasionally it can give you time to yourself while your lovely partner or family member can feed the baby so you can have a break. I recommend having someone do this a hour or so (3 if trey really love you) before they go to bed so that you can have a nap and so that the late night madness doesn't seem as daunting because you already got some rest.
Now some things can help comfort your baby but yes they will probably get addicted to them however they can be weaned off them. A pacifier is great if your little one is a sucker, some babies find great comfort in pacifiers. I highly recommend them for preemies not to mention they decrease the risk of SIDS. Secondly a sound machine or app is great you can even use your laptop. My son liked the sleep sheep on the heartbeat and rain setting. We were able to wean him off of it and it helped him sleep wonderfully.
My darling daughter goes to sleep über late, where talking about 4am! And she only sleeps well if she co-sleeps which I HATE! But you know what you gota do what you gota do and sometimes safely co-sleeping when your child is a couple months old is better then staying up because you can potentially pass out and you will start to get spacey from lack of sleep. I'm not pro co-sleeping or completely against it. Personally I wouldn't do it every night. My mom co-slept with my siblings and I and she never felt like she was putting us in danger. It was easy for her because she breastfed all of us, she was a crazy lady that never used a pump. Also let me mention that because she only breastfed she found herself with postpartum depression after she had my sister. Now I'm not saying this will happen to everyone however she felt overwhelmed and isolated from breastfeeding. Having help could have prevented this. I know when I breastfed my son for the first week I started to feel the same and I felt even worse when I had to exclusively pump due to poor latch from him being preemie and SEVERE thrush. So just remember pumping isn't evil. It's a tool that can make life so much easier and as woman we deserve it just like we deserve cute shoes and nice makeup.
Anyways I hope this is helpful, I know having a little one that is a night owl can be tough. However it doesn't last forever it gets better! Just remember how lucky you are to have your precious angel and soon enough you will have back your precious sleep. ;)
Monday, June 3, 2013
So sleepy!
I don't know why but I've been so exhausted! Devon is on holiday so I'm getting help yet I've felt more tired then ever.
Last night little miss cried for hours. I have no idea why she's generally a very quiet low maintenance baby. Devon and I think she might be teething. She was hungry however she didn't want to suck. Fortunately she is doing much better today.
Overall nothing major has happened. Hopefully things pick up. I want her to smile as a reaction and coo more :)
Last night little miss cried for hours. I have no idea why she's generally a very quiet low maintenance baby. Devon and I think she might be teething. She was hungry however she didn't want to suck. Fortunately she is doing much better today.
Overall nothing major has happened. Hopefully things pick up. I want her to smile as a reaction and coo more :)
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