Saturday, April 27, 2013

Why hello soon to be due date!

Julianna was due April 30th it's just 3 days to her due date. Yesterday she turned 6 weeks old. She really is an impressive little girl. She drinks about 120ml and she is very alert. She's been able to recognize my voice for weeks. We give her the bottle and I breastfeed, because she eats so frequently and falls asleep easily at the breast I do supplement with a couple bottles of formula. (Nestlé & enfamil)

Just a few days ago she wanted to eat every hour (growth spurt) however she is back to eating every 3 hours except for when she stays up. When she stays up for a hour she will want to eat again before she falls asleep. The amount she eats will vary its usually 60-100ml.

Even though Julianna is preemie she can hold up her head when she's on my chest and when she's laying down she can move her head side from side. When she's laying in my arms she tries to sit up if she's resting on the jolly jumper pillow she can swing herself up.

Clothing wise she is now fitting perfectly in most preemie clothes some are still big on her. I do put her in some 0-3 months clothes but 99% are way to big.

This Monday she has her heart murmur apt so my next update will be on that and the following week she has her 2 month apt. It's crazier how fast time is flying by!

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