Friday, April 26, 2013

All Alone!

I'm so nervous, Devon is returning to work and I'll be taking care of two littles ones 19 hours a day 4-5 days a week. He will be working 9hours, the commute is over a hour there and over a hour back not to mention he will need at least 8 hours of sleep.

Ive been very lucky to have him home and be able to help me out during the day and do a morning feedings so I can sleep. I'm very nervous that its time for him to return to work.

Reality is that my daughter is horrible at breastfeeding, she takes over a hour and needs to be topped up with milk not to mention she's been eating non stop its like she's constant cluster feeding and barely sleeping. Then my son is a typical boy and always wants attention and to play.

If it was a typical 8 hour work day and local I wouldn't feel ancy but its not so it has my nerves rattled. I'm trying to tell myself I will manage and my kids will be happy and well cared for but I still have some doubt in my mind.

Julianna's heart murmur apt is on Monday and my 6 week apt is on tues so those two apts already have me nervous. I just need to women up I guess. Being a mom isn't easy and this is a new challenge but its not impossible.

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