Monday, January 14, 2013

Tips for Pregnant Women

1 Wear clothes that fit your PREGNANT body, you'll feel comfy & confident. (No shirts that are too short, jeans that aren't for a big ole belly, tops that are too tight where you feel like your suffocating).

2 Buy new bra's that fit you properly, nothing is worse then having sore boobs that aren't being supported, are being squished or you feel like you can't breathe because you should be wearing a 36 not a 32.

3 Stay moisturized! Why? It prevents stretch marks and you will just feel better about your body, chapped skin is no fun and looks terrible!

4 Wear comfy shoes... Ladies that wear heels when there pregnant are stupid! Harsh I know but common your balance is off so your just hurting your back and one slip or drip and you just put your babies life in danger :l

5 Don't feel bad about gaining weight. Some women just gain a lot know matter how much they exercise or how healthy they eat. I gained 60lbs when I was pregnant with my son and shed it off in months without even trying.

6 Get your man to run that late night trip for your craving, you deserve it ;)

7 Take selfies in the mirror, its a great way to keep track of your lovely baby bump <3

8 Hope for the best prepare for the worst! I never thought in a million years I would have a preemie but my son almost arrived at 27 weeks and decided to show up at 35 weeks for no reason at all.

9 Pack your hospital bag at 26 weeks just to be safe!

10 Pregnancy can be tough but you will miss it, trust me! So try to enjoy it :D

From my 1st pregnancy :)

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