Tuesday, January 15, 2013

25 week pregnancy update

How far along? 25 weeks!

Total weight gain/measurements? My current weight is 153lbs so I gained 10 more pounds which brings my total weight gain to 18lbs. Which is 1lb on the high end, I blame yesterday I pigged out lol

 Maternity clothes? Bigger panties and I brought a bra that should fit after pregnancy, buying more clothes in a few days.

 Stretch marks? Still using Bio-oil.

 Sleep? Much better, I usually need to wake up and pee after about 9hrs of sleep.
Anything interesting happen this week?  Found out that my placenta is slightly covering my uterus or was at my 18 week ultrasound, it's common in 30% of women and mine wasn't fully blocking it so in my 3rd tri I have to go in for another ultrasound to see if it moved if it did then I can have a vaginal birth if not then I will need a cesarean. My ob wants me to take the glucose test in 3 weeks and in 4 weeks I have my apt with her and that day I go for my RH shot because I'm o-.

 Best moment this week? Last friday a my parents house was nice, my mom & dad made steak and we all played the new wii system. 

 Miss anything? Bra's fitting well, I'm on the hunt for a good maternity bra this weekend! I also miss being able to have my son lay on my tummy and playing with him without having to be so careful.

 Movement? Lot's a lots, shes kicking me as I type lol

 Food cravings? Sweets as usual, ice cream (never had), kind of craved a poutine but when I had it it was meh, also craved a freezie and it was good & I really like fruity juices and chocolate milk. I've been craving home made mac and cheese so my mom said she will make some on Friday. I've also been craving subway so I might get a pizza sub for lunch on Friday :)

 Anything making you queasy or sick? I've been feeling pretty good....

 Gender? Girl :)

 Labor signs? Nope...

Shortness of breath all the time
Urge to urinate more frequently
 Holding water weight
Hair is less manageable from the increase of it
Sex drive is down (been that way for most of this pregnancy)
BH contractions (Even more this week!)
Bras with under wire not fitting well due to organs moving up
Stuffy/runny nose has been consistent through most of the pregnancy

 Belly button in or out? In! Was in with my last pregnancy, my baby bump was quite small.

 Happy or moody most of the time? Both

 Looking forward to? My next ultrasound! I really want to have a vaginal birth with an epideral like I did last time. Overall I had a  wonderful delivery, I waited 8hrs for the epi & 6 hours later I had my gorgeous little boy. Since I had the epideral I was able to enjoy the delivery process I felt the motions of it all and some pain but not too much and it only took me 5 minutes to push him out.

I used the questions from Anna Saccones pregnancy update post.

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