Total weight gain/measurements? 8lbs that I know of, apt this Friday so update on weight next week! My guess is I gained 8lbs so that will be a total of 16lbs weight gain and I would of gone from 143lbs to 151lbs. In this pregnancy I would like to gain 25lbs at the most.
Maternity clothes? Nothing new.. Will do some shopping next weekend...I really need a maternity bra.
Stretch marks? Still using Bio-oil... I also use in the shower body conditioners from lush and lotion after I have a shower and I use bio-oil almost every day.
Sleep? Still kind of restless, the past 2 nights have been horrible because she likes to sleep on my ribs or underneath them and when I turn to another side it hurts soooo bad to move and she just goes over to that rib. When I try to move her she usually just kicks or goes deeper into them. Shes already a little rebel!
Best moment this week? Honestly getting the house clean, Devon cleaned up the floors and I organized my sons and Juliannas room and I feel so much better about things.
Miss anything? Sleeping well! I know I won't have that until 9 more months lol Luckily my skin has improved thanks to the clarisonic <3
Movement? A crazy amount, I joke saying shes a mini hulk ;)
Food cravings? Last night I randomly craved fried fish but I never got it, I then started craving pasta so I had some left overs and then I started craving toast with cheese wiz and for lunch today I had a bagel wit cheese wiz and it was ridiculously yummy considering its so meh lol And in general I'm using cravings sweets or just a nice full meal. Oh I also was kind of craving a apple a few days ago and I ate almost the whole thing which is rare for me.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Saturday night I felt queasy and Sunday afternoon and evening I did too for no reason..
Gender? Girl :)
Labor signs? Nope...
Urge to urinate more frequently
Holding water weight
Hair is less manageable from the increase of it
Sex drive is down (been that way for most of this pregnancy)
BH contractions
Trouble sleeping at night
Bras with under wire not fitting well due to organs moving up
Stuffy/runny nose has been consistent through most of the pregnancy
Face appears darker
Line on belly is starting to show a lot more
Belly button in or out? In! Was in with my last pregnancy, my baby bump was quite small.
Happy or moody most of the time? Both
Looking forward to? Having a good nights sleep.
I used the questions from Anna Saccones pregnancy update post.
On a side note I think I will do a baby haul on my blog next weekend however if you want to see what I'm bringing in Juliannas diaper bag to the hospital you will have to go to my youtube channel and that will be up anywhere from the 19th-25th.
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