Wednesday, January 30, 2013

27 week pregnancy update

How far along? 27 weeks, 3rd tri at last! ;)

 Total weight gain/measurements? 18lbs since my last apt.

 Maternity clothes? Nope, no new additions.

Stretch marks? Still using Bio-oil, I think I'm getting more stretch marks.

 Sleep? Ok, its tough to get comfy and I get up a lot at night, I fall back to sleep pretty quick though.

 Anything interesting happen this week? I'm starting to feel her have hiccups :)

 Best moment this week? Spending time with family and sleeping in lol

 Miss anything? Sleeping straight through the night.

 Movement? Lots as usual.

 Food cravings? Chocolate, melon, freezies and Chinese food all of which I had lol

 Anything making you queasy or sick? I don't recall so.

Gender? Girl :)

Labor signs? Nope...

 Shortness of breath all the time
 Urge to urinate more frequently
 Holding water weight
 Hair is less manageable from the increase of it
Constipation (getting better with fibre)
BH contractions (A scary amount a few days ago, none since then)
Sore boobs
Stuffy/runny nose has been consistent through most of the pregnancy
 Backaches not much this week
Difficulty getting comfy

 Belly button in or out? In! Was in with my last pregnancy, my baby bump was quite small.

Happy or moody most of the time? Both

 Looking forward to? Positive results in the next few weeks.

 I used the questions from Anna Saccones pregnancy update post.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

What my baby will wear at the hospital!

 On my youtube channel I will have "whats in my babies diaper bag/hospital bag" uploaded on February 18th so this is a sneak peak of a couple outfits!

                                  First outfit! This outfit is light but I will be swaddling her so she
                             will stay nice and warm. The undershirt use to be my sons so it makes
                          it kind of special :) I think leopard and pink is adorable together and I love cats                           so I thought this would be the perfect sleeper for her to make her debut in.

                                          Coming home outfit, now she still needs tights
                                 but I think this will be the perfect coming home outfit
                             for cool April weather. She will be going right into the van
                          with a blankey so she'll be nice and warm. I think this outfit
                           is simple and adorable yet very comfy so to me that equals the
                         perfect coming home outfit :)

                    To see everything she will be wearing and that I have packed for her just subscribe to my youtube channel
The video will be up February 18th and I will also have lots more pregnancy and mommy videos up like what makeup I'm bringing for the hospital, as well as everything I'm packing for me and lots more!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

26 week pregnancy update

How far along? 26 weeks!

 Total weight gain/measurements? 18lbs since my last apt.

 Maternity clothes? I bought a new top and yoga pants as well as a sports bra.

Stretch marks? Still using Bio-oil, my old stretch marks are looking longer.

 Sleep? Still good, could be better but it's a lot better then it was with my son I was constantly waking up at night to pee.

 Anything interesting happen this week? She kicked my bladder so hard for a moment I thought I peed... I also booked my 3d ultrasound for feb 23rd.

 Best moment this week? Did a lot of shopping and I bought a lot of stuff for her. Devon bought her a outfit and the hand held medela pump that comes with the new bottle. I also got her newborn diapers, size one diapers, receiving blankets, pacifiers, monkey blanket, clothes, diaper rash cream, sunglasses, newborn hats and other baby things. The last few things she needs is a play yard/bassinet, swing, baby carrier and a bath tub. (I buy most of our kids stuff because he pays for most of everything else lol)

 Miss anything? Being comfy :/

 Movement? Still a lot, shes constantly turning and kicking me and hitting me lol

 Food cravings? Chocolate, chicken wings (might get tonight), chocolate milk, fruity juices, oranges, fruit snacks like gummies.

 Anything making you queasy or sick? I felt a tad bit nauseous thing week for no reason, it was minor. Actually I almost through up brushing my teeth one morning...

Gender? Girl :)

Labor signs? Nope...

 Shortness of breath all the time
 Urge to urinate more frequently
 Holding water weight
 Hair is less manageable from the increase of it
Constipation (getting better with fibre)
BH contractions (Even more this week!)
Sore boobs
Stuffy/runny nose has been consistent through most of the pregnancy
 Backaches not much this week
Difficulty getting comfy

 Belly button in or out? In! Was in with my last pregnancy, my baby bump was quite small.

Happy or moody most of the time? Both

 Looking forward to? Hopefully going to the movies soon, I wana go while I still can.

 I used the questions from Anna Saccones pregnancy update post.


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

25 week pregnancy update

How far along? 25 weeks!

Total weight gain/measurements? My current weight is 153lbs so I gained 10 more pounds which brings my total weight gain to 18lbs. Which is 1lb on the high end, I blame yesterday I pigged out lol

 Maternity clothes? Bigger panties and I brought a bra that should fit after pregnancy, buying more clothes in a few days.

 Stretch marks? Still using Bio-oil.

 Sleep? Much better, I usually need to wake up and pee after about 9hrs of sleep.
Anything interesting happen this week?  Found out that my placenta is slightly covering my uterus or was at my 18 week ultrasound, it's common in 30% of women and mine wasn't fully blocking it so in my 3rd tri I have to go in for another ultrasound to see if it moved if it did then I can have a vaginal birth if not then I will need a cesarean. My ob wants me to take the glucose test in 3 weeks and in 4 weeks I have my apt with her and that day I go for my RH shot because I'm o-.

 Best moment this week? Last friday a my parents house was nice, my mom & dad made steak and we all played the new wii system. 

 Miss anything? Bra's fitting well, I'm on the hunt for a good maternity bra this weekend! I also miss being able to have my son lay on my tummy and playing with him without having to be so careful.

 Movement? Lot's a lots, shes kicking me as I type lol

 Food cravings? Sweets as usual, ice cream (never had), kind of craved a poutine but when I had it it was meh, also craved a freezie and it was good & I really like fruity juices and chocolate milk. I've been craving home made mac and cheese so my mom said she will make some on Friday. I've also been craving subway so I might get a pizza sub for lunch on Friday :)

 Anything making you queasy or sick? I've been feeling pretty good....

 Gender? Girl :)

 Labor signs? Nope...

Shortness of breath all the time
Urge to urinate more frequently
 Holding water weight
Hair is less manageable from the increase of it
Sex drive is down (been that way for most of this pregnancy)
BH contractions (Even more this week!)
Bras with under wire not fitting well due to organs moving up
Stuffy/runny nose has been consistent through most of the pregnancy

 Belly button in or out? In! Was in with my last pregnancy, my baby bump was quite small.

 Happy or moody most of the time? Both

 Looking forward to? My next ultrasound! I really want to have a vaginal birth with an epideral like I did last time. Overall I had a  wonderful delivery, I waited 8hrs for the epi & 6 hours later I had my gorgeous little boy. Since I had the epideral I was able to enjoy the delivery process I felt the motions of it all and some pain but not too much and it only took me 5 minutes to push him out.

I used the questions from Anna Saccones pregnancy update post.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Tips for Pregnant Women

1 Wear clothes that fit your PREGNANT body, you'll feel comfy & confident. (No shirts that are too short, jeans that aren't for a big ole belly, tops that are too tight where you feel like your suffocating).

2 Buy new bra's that fit you properly, nothing is worse then having sore boobs that aren't being supported, are being squished or you feel like you can't breathe because you should be wearing a 36 not a 32.

3 Stay moisturized! Why? It prevents stretch marks and you will just feel better about your body, chapped skin is no fun and looks terrible!

4 Wear comfy shoes... Ladies that wear heels when there pregnant are stupid! Harsh I know but common your balance is off so your just hurting your back and one slip or drip and you just put your babies life in danger :l

5 Don't feel bad about gaining weight. Some women just gain a lot know matter how much they exercise or how healthy they eat. I gained 60lbs when I was pregnant with my son and shed it off in months without even trying.

6 Get your man to run that late night trip for your craving, you deserve it ;)

7 Take selfies in the mirror, its a great way to keep track of your lovely baby bump <3

8 Hope for the best prepare for the worst! I never thought in a million years I would have a preemie but my son almost arrived at 27 weeks and decided to show up at 35 weeks for no reason at all.

9 Pack your hospital bag at 26 weeks just to be safe!

10 Pregnancy can be tough but you will miss it, trust me! So try to enjoy it :D

From my 1st pregnancy :)

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Baby Movement!

I've been feeling my little girl move since I was 11 weeks so now I have a little video to share with my lovely readers :)

Monday, January 7, 2013

24 Week Pregnancy Update

How far along? 24 weeks tomorrow, I feel like I'm finally starting to get far into this pregnancy its exciting!

Total weight gain/measurements? 8lbs that I know of, apt this Friday so update on weight next week! My guess is I gained 8lbs so that will be a total of 16lbs weight gain and I would of gone from 143lbs to 151lbs. In this pregnancy I would like to gain 25lbs at the most.

 Maternity clothes? Nothing new.. Will do some shopping next weekend...I really need a maternity bra.

 Stretch marks? Still using Bio-oil... I also use in the shower body conditioners from lush and lotion after I have a shower and I use bio-oil almost every day.

 Sleep? Still kind of restless, the past 2 nights have been horrible because she likes to sleep on my ribs or underneath them and when I turn to another side it hurts soooo bad to move and she just goes over to that rib. When I try to move her she usually just kicks or goes deeper into them. Shes already a little rebel!

 Best moment this week? Honestly getting the house clean, Devon cleaned up the floors and I organized my sons and Juliannas room and I feel so much better about things. 

 Miss anything? Sleeping well! I know I won't have that until 9 more months lol Luckily my skin has improved thanks to the clarisonic <3

 Movement? A crazy amount, I joke saying shes a mini hulk ;)

 Food cravings? Last night I randomly craved fried fish but I never got it, I then started craving pasta so I had some left overs and then I started craving toast with cheese wiz and for lunch today I had a bagel wit cheese wiz and it was ridiculously yummy considering its so meh lol And in general I'm using cravings sweets or just a nice full meal. Oh I also was kind of craving a apple a few days ago and I ate almost the whole thing which is rare for me.

 Anything making you queasy or sick? Saturday night I felt queasy and Sunday afternoon and evening I did too for no reason..

 Gender? Girl :)

 Labor signs? Nope...

Shortness of breath all the time
Urge to urinate more frequently
 Holding water weight
Hair is less manageable from the increase of it
Sex drive is down (been that way for most of this pregnancy)
BH contractions
Trouble sleeping at night
Bras with under wire not fitting well due to organs moving up
Stuffy/runny nose has been consistent through most of the pregnancy
Face appears darker
Line on belly is starting to show a lot more

 Belly button in or out? In! Was in with my last pregnancy, my baby bump was quite small.

 Happy or moody most of the time? Both

 Looking forward to? Having a good nights sleep.

I used the questions from Anna Saccones pregnancy update post.


On a side note I think I will do a baby haul on my blog next weekend however if you want to see what I'm bringing in Juliannas diaper bag to the hospital you will have to go to my youtube channel and that will be up anywhere from the 19th-25th.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

23 weeks pregnant

How far along? 23 Weeks!!!!! Wow I feel like I'm really far its kind of scary. I feel like shes going to be here earlier then I would like and I'm not even close to ready (baby stuff wise).

Total weight gain/measurements? 8lbs that I know of; Weight gain update at my next appointment. Yes I've been bad with appointments to be honest I've been very stressed and not wanting to do anything but I know my doctors will want to see me next week or the week after...

 Maternity clothes? Nothing new. I will probably buy more stuff in a month.

 Stretch marks? Been using bio-oil, its keep my skin silky smooth :) It's getting low and I don't think its working like yes it absorbs nicely but my stretchmarks are all very noticeable still.

 Sleep? A couple nights ago it was horrible Devon kept moving and it kept me up all night. We have a small bed so it makes it difficult to stretch out which I've been finding most comfortable.

 Best moment this week? Christmas morning! My son was so excited to open up all of gifts it was adorable :) I ate soooo much so that was nice too! lol

 Miss anything? This week I've been doing well pregnancy wise but in the past couple days reality has hit that I have a high risk pregnancy and there's a good chance I can have my little angel early. It makes me want to cry because I love her so much but I know if I go into early labor  before 32 weeks I will get sent hours away and be forced to stay there until my risk has dropped. It will be a horrible situation to be away from my son the thought if of it is unbearable I've never been away from him for more then 9hrs. I remember being at the hospital and being so lonely and feeling like I was in prison, just remembering it all makes me cry. It was bad enough being far from my family but to be away from my son would be hell and I know I should prep for such a situation but mentally I can't. I can't even bear to think about having Julianna early because of my body just not allowing me to, its scary how you really can be your worst nightmare.

 Movement? Still a lot, I love it :)

 Food cravings? This week I really haven't had any craving but I'll list some food that I found extra yummy! Tortia pizza, Cheese bread from crustys, Ham, Brown sugar coated pecans,Orange chocolate, Turkey potato and Bacon soup, Clementines.

 Anything making you queasy or sick? Feeling good the past week

 Gender? Girl :)

 Labor signs? Nope...

Pregnancy Rash/Sensitive Skin
Shortness of breath all the time
Urge to urinate more frequently
Migraines! Been getting the damn things for  couple of months now
Holding water weight
Hair is less manageable from the increase of it
Acne (It's been an ongoing thing)
Tummy cramps
Sex drive is down (been that way for most of this pregnancy)

 Belly button in or out? In! Was in with my last pregnancy, my baby bump was quite small.

 Happy or moody most of the time? Both

 Looking forward to? Hopefully buying more maternity and baby stuff in a couple weeks.

I used the questions from Anna Saccones pregnancy update post.