Tuesday, December 11, 2012

20 weeks pregnancy update


Half, probably over half way done... This is crazy. Ya I feel like I've been pregnant for awhile but in just 4 months I will have my little girl. My life was forever changed but my family's life will truly be forever changed once our little princess arrives. I'm pregnant so right now she has only really changed me and at this stage I can only feel her and I really do love all of her movement even when she kicks my uterus lol.

How far along? 20 Weeks

Total weight gain/measurements? 8lbs that I know of; Weight gain update at my next appointment.

 Maternity clothes? Nothing new. Skirts don't fit anymore, getting dressed can feel stressful to be honest.

 Stretch marks? Been using bio-oil, its keep my skin silky smooth :)

 Sleep? Pretty good cant complain :)

 Best moment this week? Getting the iphone 5 because now when I have her I can take really nice pictures off of it. My blackberry took horrible pictures... I also downloaded a really neat pregnancy app.

 Miss anything? Having less trouble putting on my boots lol

 Movement? So much! I adore it I cant wait until I can feel her movement from the outside of my tummy!

 Food cravings? Watermelon, Bacon, Salad, uh I'm sure there's more (pregnancy brain)

 Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope.

 Gender? Girl :)

 Labor signs? Nope...

Pregnancy Rash/Sensitive Skin
light headed 
Dry Peeling skin on my chin and around my nose
Swollen/sore gums
I think I've been getting BH contractions
Shortness of breath when out for a bit

 Belly button in or out? In! Was in with my last pregnancy, my baby bump was quite small.

 Happy or moody most of the time? Both

 Looking forward to? 3D ultrasound in a couple months and of course Christmas! I cant wait to see how happy my son will be.

I used the questions from Anna Saccones pregnancy update post.

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