Wednesday, December 5, 2012

19 Week Update

How far along? 19 Weeks

Total weight gain/measurements? 8lbs that I know of; Weight gain update at my next appointment.

 Maternity clothes? Nothing new.

 Stretch marks? Been using bio-oil, its keep my skin silky smooth :)

 Sleep? Not so great, my son and I have been sick. I haven't been waking up to pee, I think I only did once which was my fault because I didn't use the washroom before bed.

 Best moment this week? Finding out I was having a daughter :) I can't wait to meet her. I had soooo much fun shopping for cute little outfits for her to wear!

 Miss anything? Not feeling so fragile.

 Movement? Lots :) My little princess loves to kick my uterus. I feel lots of kicks right under my belly.

 Food cravings? Pizza, peach juice, Alfredo, hot chocolate and since I've been sick |I've been really enjoying freezies and popsicles.

 Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope.

 Gender? Girl :)

 Labor signs? Nope...

Pregnancy Rash/Sensitive Skin
light headed 
Dry Peeling skin on my chin and around my nose
Tummy stretching pains (not round ligament pain)
Swollen/sore gums

 Belly button in or out? In! Was in with my last pregnancy, my baby bump was quite small.

 Happy or moody most of the time? Pretty happy.

 Looking forward to? More baby shopping for my little angel! lol

I used the questions from Anna Saccones pregnancy update post.

                              Funny how much smaller my belly looks with a top on lol...

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