Total weight gain/measurements? I now weigh 165lbs and a half so I actually lost half a pound within 2 weeks, most women gain a pound per a week but I am 4lbs on the high end and I've been eating healthier the past 2 weeks so that could be why. I'm still not eating crazy healthy however the OB I had today said I was measuring great and said everything seemed great.
Maternity clothes? Nope not buying any, I'm almost done with this pregnancy. I probably have a month left so whats the point?
Stretch marks? Yep, one of them really popped this week! so sad :/
Sleep? About the same, I'm constantly dreaming and not all of the dreams are good dreams so that sucks but I have dreamed about my baby girl the past week and it was nice.
Anything interesting happen this week? I had a ultrasound on Monday to check my placenta and the tech said it moved (Yay!!!). My baby girl is also measuring at a good size and seems perfectly fine :) Oh & shes still head down.
Best moment this week? The ultrasound, it relieved a lot of my nerves plus it was nice to see her.
Miss anything? Not being so sleepy however I know I'm going to still be sleepy awhile after she is born...
Movement? Lots of course lol
Food cravings? Pizza which I ended up giving into today, bistro's, lemonade, ice cream, fruit but everything we got sucked :/ gummies & just nice home cooked meals.
Anything making you queasy or sick? I was feeling queasy on Monday and I "threw up" once however my son was getting sick that night so it might have been a bug going around that slightly effected me or maybe it was just from not sleeping well I'm not sure.
Gender? Girl :)
Labor signs? I have been having a lot more back pain and BH so for me thats a sign she will be arriving in the near future.
Shortness of breath, she hasn't dropped so i still feel her feet under my belly and sometimes her bum too
Urge to urinate more frequently
Holding water weight
Hair is less manageable from the increase of it
Stuffy nose (not so bad this week)
Heartburn is only getting worse I take about 2 tums a day (Thank god for tums ;p)
Difficulty getting comfy, boo!
Acne is getting better
Daily bh
Pregnancy brain
Still feeling itchy and swollen down there, and when I went a month ago they said it was a yeast infection so my guess is its from blood flow down there and changes due to pregnancy
Eyes have been very sensitive.
Skin is still dry but manageable
Belly button in or out? In! Was in with my last pregnancy, my baby bump was quite small.
Happy or moody most of the time? Both
Looking forward to? Honestly I don't know lol I enjoy everyday with my family :)
I used the questions from Anna Saccones pregnancy update post.
Pictures will be up later this week :)
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