Monday, May 12, 2014

Julianna's 13/14 month update

Julianna's 13 almost 14 month update.

-Climbing furniture ie her brothers chair
- Climbing up stairs
- Walking pretty good
- Can lead someone to what she wants
-Points to what she wants
- Can say (hi, bye, ya, nana, mama, dada, bear paw)
- Shakes her head no
- Claps

Favourite foods
- Herb and garlic cream cheese on bread
- Cheese & broccoli rice
- Yogurt even the tubes
- Bear paws

Schedule is about the same as my last update, she plays even more independently. She still gets up but we just bring her in bed, if helped our son transition into his bed in his room quote easily.

Favourite things to do
-Attack mommy when she sits in the ground
-Bath time
- Cuddle with daddy
- Swing at the park
- Play with her brother

Anyways that's about it I may add more stuff later :)

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