Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Julianna's 10 month update

Weight/Sizes- Julianna is about 22-23lbs. She wears different sizes as not everything is made the same. I find at the moment most 12-18 month clothes fit her the best. She is tall & chunky!

Routine-We don't do the same thing everyday but on the days we stay home this is what her day is like. Once up Julianna eats something like a yogurt & a banana. She tends to cling to me most of the day but she tends to play with her brother a lot in the morning. After a couple of hours I'll feed her something like cheese & a banana. Once she's been up for 3 and a half hours/4 hours I put her to bed. She sleeps for around 45mins to an hour. When she gets up she's pretty hungry so I feed her something like Raisin bread and a hour or so later she tends to have some of what I had for dinner. She once again goes for her nap after the same time period. After that nap she tends to be very clingy so I find she spends more time wanting to be with me rather then her brother or daddy. Sometimes she's hungry as soon as she gets up sometimes she's not. I usually give her one messy snack like blackberries then a bath. Then after a bit I give her another snack like fig bars. 30mins before bed I give her homeopathic medicine to help her sleep and then it's bedtime!

Sleep- Julianna can be difficult to get to sleep other times she goes to bed fine. She still gets up at night at least a few times.

Eating- Julianna eats fantastic however she's always hungry. I find she eats the best when I give her small portions throughout the day rather then 3 big meals. Her favourite foods as of lately have been bananas, cheese, raisin bread & fig bars. She does sometimes steal her brothers big boy treats and she really enjoyed those ie a small donut & cheesies.

Milestones- Little miss got her first two teeth!
-She learned how to crawl a few weeks ago.
-Learned how to pull herself into a standing position using an item.
-She's become very verbal she says a & dada a lot and she's been liking making a yelling noise.

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