Tuesday, February 5, 2013

28 Week Pregnancy Update

How far along? 28 weeks, a super nerve racking week it shall be...

 Total weight gain/measurements? 18lbs since my last apt.

 Maternity clothes? Nope, no new additions.

Stretch marks? Still using Bio-oil, I think it is kind of working because my Linea Nigra appears to be very faint compared to my last pregnancy.

 Sleep? Still having a tough time getting comfy and staying asleep. I use to be able to sleep for 8 hours at least without having to get up to pee now its about 6. I'm waiting for lab results to see if I have a uti causing me to urinate 30 times more the past few days.

 Anything interesting happen this week? I'm starting to be able to make out her body parts a bit more, sometimes she will push up and I can guess if its her back or leg, possibly a foot or hand lol

 Best moment this week? Ummm Devon was holding popcorn in his hand & when he wasn't looking our 21 month old son went up and scooped it up with his mouth. It was so funny we all started laughing.

 Miss anything? Having a bra fit right :( Even my sports bra isn't comfy.

 Movement? My belly is like a volcano, it randomly erupts and goes crazy lol

 Food cravings? Chocolate, fruity drinks, Chocolate milk has been my HG this week, also craved cantaloupe, chicken wings all of which I ate as usual! ;) I don't feel bad about what I eat because  I know I eat in moderation. I eat granola bars, fibre brownies and low cal snacks everyday.

 Anything making you queasy or sick? Glucose challenge did :( When I did it with my son I had no problems besides waiting forever to get the drink and being bored. This time it tasted waaaay worse! I don't know why because its the same drink. I felt so light headed after 10 minutes and I even felt nauseous. I really hope I didn't fail...

Gender? Girl :)

Labor signs? Nope...

 Shortness of breath all the time
 Urge to urinate more frequently (Cause this week may be a uti)
 Holding water weight
 Hair is less manageable from the increase of it
Constipation (getting better with fibre)
Sore boobs (Ugh they hurt so bad!)
Stuffy/runny nose has been consistent through most of the pregnancy
Heartburn (Thank god for tums ;p)
 Backaches not much this week
Difficulty getting comfy
May have a Yeast infection waiting for results, the joys of pregnancy! lol

 Belly button in or out? In! Was in with my last pregnancy, my baby bump was quite small.

Happy or moody most of the time? Both

 Looking forward to? Still looking forward to hopefully having positive results in the next few weeks. (passing glucose challenge, figuring out what antibiotics I need & hopefully finding out that my placenta isn't low lying & that shes turned).

 I used the questions from Anna Saccones pregnancy update post.

 28 weeks 4 days

  Interesting fact either the 1st time I went into labor & almost had my son or the time I went into labor and had him it was a full moon. Apparently the gravitational pull can jump start labor. Turns out the next one is March 25th. Hoping it doesn't send me into early labor!

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