Total weight gain/measurements? Finding out tomorrow and will update when I have a chance.
Maternity clothes? I honestly don't think I will be purchasing anything after all I only have like a month and a half left considering I'll probably have her around 37 weeks. I can't wait to start buying summer clothes though :)
Stretch marks? Ya :/ They never bothered me before but there starting too..
Sleep? Usually good, I do get up at night but the earliest I usually wake up to pee is . Last night I went to bed at 1am and didn't get up to pee until 11am.
Anything interesting happen this week? 4d/3d ultrasound! Utterly amazing, She is a she i'll first say that lol And she was being so silly! So we got there a hour early and she was hyper the past 3 hours so I figured ok she will probably fall asleep and hopefully be up when we start the apt but nope she stayed up as I had mc donalds for lunch and then we went to the apt 20mins early and the tech was sooo friendly and we waited about 5 mins as she sat everything up. The place smelt like yummy bath & body works candles and the room was super cozy, Devon and I were very impressed. When she turned on the ultrasound machine we saw our beautiful baby girl with a blob in front of her face, turned out to be her foot! lol When Devon would talk she would open up her eyes it was adorable, the tech said she was very alert for her age so I'm wondering if shes older then 31 weeks... After awhile the tech got me to walk around and jiggle my belly to see if we could get her foot out of her face well she didn't like that very much because she ended up turning around lol I then spent awhile tossing and turning from side to side and she finally turned back but by then she was super sleepy and started yawning and seemed to fall asleep. We wanted my bladder to full up some more so I walked around a bit and it kind of helped however she ended up pouting a bit when we got her back up :( luckily she was all smiles a moment later. We got some great shot and she started yawning again so we wrapped up the apt. Overall I was super pleased. The tech went out of her way to make the apt special it was suppose to be 30mins long but turned out to be a hr long. We got 27 pictures on a cd, a dvd of the entire apt and 2 printed pictures and Devon bought a frame saying "It's a girl!". It was amazing to see her, in my last pregnancy post you can see a few of the pictures :) I'm working on editing a short video. I'm just so relieved to know shes really a girl and it was so nice to see her, she seemed very cozy so hopefully she'll stay in for at least 6 more weeks!
Best moment this week? 3d/4d ultrasound of course :)
Miss anything? Seeing her! aha if I was rich I would have another 4d ultrasound ;D
Movement? Less but when she moves from side to side or kicks or hits me I REALLY feel it lol
Food cravings? chicken nuggets thus why I gave in to mc donalds lol organic oranges, chocolate, lemon pound cake, watermelon, celery with dip uh I think thats it lol On a side note I do give in to most of my cravings however I drink lots of water and I eat yucky brownies & granola bars high in fiber as well as yogurts. Dinners are usually pretty healthy. I don't eat really bad but I defiantly don't eat really good lol
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope
Gender? Girl :)
Labor signs? Nope...
Shortness of breath much better since she turned the past week I believe
Urge to urinate more frequently
Holding water weight
Hair is less manageable from the increase of it
Constipation (getting better with fibre)
Stuffy/runny (Cold this week made it worse)
Heartburn is only getting worse I take about 2 tums a day (Thank god for tums ;p)
Nightmares not as bad this week
Difficulty getting comfy, boo!
Acne is getting better
A few bh this week
Pregnancy brain, its been a ongoing thing this entire time
Belly button in or out? In! Was in with my last pregnancy, my baby bump was quite small.
Happy or moody most of the time? Both
Looking forward to? Picking up the play yard/bassinet tomorrow!
I used the questions from Anna Saccones pregnancy update post.