Wednesday, October 31, 2012

14 Week Update

How far along? 14 Weeks

Total weight gain/measurements? Not sure

 Maternity clothes? No new additions

 Stretch marks? Yes, just been trying to stay moisturized though!

 Sleep? Good, my son is sleeping better but he takes a hour to fall asleep lately :s

 Best moment this week? Lots more baby movement!

 Miss anything? My skin being "normal" I've been breaking out like crazy and my skin has been getting very red and peeling on my chin and around my nose :s

 Movement? Yes :D

 Food cravings? Spaghetti, haven't got it yet & McDonald's Chipotle wrap which I did get.

 Anything making you queasy or sick? Odors and sometimes I just feel nauseous, its gotten a tad bit better.

 Gender? Still thinking blue... might know next week!

 Labor signs? Nope...

 Getting up at night to pee
Pregnancy Rash/Sensitive Skin
light headed
Easily Exhausted
Pregnancy Brain
Stomach is getting harder
 Dry Peeling skin on my chin and around my nose

 Belly button in or out? In! Was in with my last pregnancy, my baby bump was quite small.

 Happy or moody most of the time? Moody, a lot of stressful things have been going on like packing and a hurricane some what hit us in Ontario.

 Looking forward to?  Ultrasound

I used the questions from Anna Saccones pregnancy update post.

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