I woke up super anxious to the point where I was feeling ill, I truly didn't know if I was going to be able to go. I told myself you've waited for this for sooooo long just suck it up and deal with it. I finished drinking almost a oz of water, what I didn't drink in water I replaced with orange juice in an attempt to get the baby hyper so s/he will show there parts to the tech.
Right before my son and my boyfriend (Devon) and I left the house I started getting the urge to pee, it quickly became torturous. Once we dropped our son off to my parents we headed to go get the ultrasound. After 5 minutes of waiting I found myself lying and waiting. The ultrasound tech walked in and was so kind, she let me watch the entire exam. She asked if I wanted to know the sex of the baby and she told me she would try her best to find out. She started examining different parts of the baby and every time I thought "I think I see a little noodle!" (I spent 30mins last night researching how the male & females parts appear in a 16-22 week ultrasound scan).
The ultrasound tech then hovered over a image and at this point I knew she found its parts after a couple minutes of work & I was pretty sure I knew what she was going to say...
A tear rolled down my cheek and I couldn't help but smile as she told me she was pretty sure it was a girl! Through out the rest of the ultrasound she looked 3/4 more times and she was still convinced it was a girl and so was I.
I was amazing to see my baby girl! Her legs are so long she didn't even have to bend them much to kick me (which she constantly did). She was facing my back the entire time which explains the back aches I've had non-stop as of recently. At one point she even appeared to smile, it was precious. Just by the ultrasound I can tell she looks nothing like my son (hes his daddys mini me which leaves me to believe she will look more like me).
After about 40 minutes the tech told me I could use the bathroom and then Devon could come in with me and look at the baby. I was honestly shocked because I thought your bladder had to be full? Anyways after a legit minute of peeing I hurried out and told him we were having a girl (he was shocked just like I was we were so convinced we would have 2 boys). He really wanted a girl before we knew what our son was so I think he didnt want to get his hopes up, hes going to much such a wonderful father to our baby girl it makes me smile just thinking of how things will be like :)
The rest of the ultrasound went smooth, she checked her heart, feet and legs and let us view her face and body. She looked a couple more times to confirm it was a girl and she was still pretty sure as was Devon (I told him the night prior to what everything would look like).
Overall I had a fantastic experience it couldn't of gone better and I'm so very happy to finally get to be a mother to a daughter. Mommy, Daddy & your brother can't wait to meet you Julianna <3